KNOxOUT paint supports the health of city dwellers.

The power of the CrystalACTiV technology lies in the fact that the sun is enough to start the air purification process. We do not need an electricity connection. All you need is the sun and water vapour available in nature. It’s a green way to a green goal. So it is an empowering technology – it gives ordinary people the power to transform common walls into air filters and actively combat air pollution. Anyone part of the pollution problem can now become part of the solution.

A natural, eco-friendly, durable paint that turns your wall into a sun-powered air purifier

Green Label Singapore certificate for KNOxOUT paint

Ceryfikat Green Label dla farby KNOxOUT
Green Labale Certyfikat dla KNOxOUT Acrylic Base Flat Purifying White
Green Labale Certyfikat dla KNOxOUT Acrylic Base Flat Purifying White
Scientific research | KNOxOUT paint
Safty Date Sheet - farba KNOxOUT
Międzynarodowe Centrum Standardowych Testów Fotokatalitycznych (PL)
Powierzchnie fotokatalityczne. Korzyści dla środowiska (PL)
Photocatalytic Surfaces: Environmental Benefits
SunCatalyst Laboratories
Removal of nitric oxide - ISO 22197-1:2007
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